Sunday, February 9, 2014

Motivational Porn

When life is great and we're sailing along, getting things done, and convincing ourselves that we're going to change the world. We don't need any help with motivation! The world is in our hands!

But then life starts becoming a little difficult or we have that one last paper to write before a vacation, and all motivation to continue is lost. We just don't care anymore.

Then we look for someone else to pick up the slack that our mind gave up on.

Why can't we use the same drive -- the kind we have when we wake up on that rare Sunday morning, clean the entire home, do all the laundry, iron everything down to the underwear, catch up on every show that we're behind on, finish the crafts we've been neglecting, call all of our family members, and read 100+ pages of our favorite book, all before 3pm -- on the mundane things in life?

Why is it that, as soon as we actually have to do something, we now have no more motivation?

For example: the end of semester is coming up and you have a schiesty ton of work to do. Two assignments "standing in the way" between you, and a long awaited break. What do you do?

  • Complain to FB
  • Watch Netflix until the last possible hour
  • Search Pinterest for quotes from a historical figure to help push you through
  • Tell yourself that the faster and harder you work now, the more time you'll have to enjoy everything else later
The answer? 9 times out of 10 it's probably not the last choice. But why not?

In my opinion, the answer is simple. We live in a society that encourages knowledge and education, but ignores the reality of hard work. A society that pushes for balance, but rewards those who become experts in one small detail of life. There's too much pressure put on us to be this perfect, well-rounded, intellectually balanced person. But then again, if you're a smart scientist, you won't get nearly as much recognition for your work than an upcoming movie star who's already been treated for two drug addictions. 

I think we should stop focusing on what the world wants us to be, and start putting more faith in what We want to be individuals, what We can contribute to the greater good.

Time to Re-Evaluate:
If you're in a job where you need constant motivation to get through a day. Get out.
If you're in school and you're constantly screening quotes for the perfect combination of words to get you through a semester. Maybe you should rethink your education. 

Why are you where you are in the first place? 

Why are you still there?

Why Aren't you somewhere else?

Who's looking up to you? (I think we forget that aspect constantly.)

Who do you want to be?

Who can you be? (The answer is anyone you want.)

You are the only one in charge of your happiness. If you're not where you want to be, FIX IT. Stop relying on others and take on the world the way you planned to when you were that ambitious little 6 year old who couldn't wait to grow up.

Thanks for reading again,
<3 Tawny

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