Monday, October 14, 2013

It's Just Another Monday

I hear this every week. And it seriously bothers me.

Every other conversation goes something like:
"Hey! How are ya?"
"Eh, you know, it's Monday."

No. I don't know. Explain it to me. Or maybe I can explain it to you.

Mondays are days like any other. I mean, I used to despise Thursdays because, I swear that for the longest time, something terrible happened to Teenager Tawny every Thursday and I ended up associating such negativity with it. But anyway.

What's so bad about Mondays?
I have an idea. Mondays are socially constructed to induce negativity upon your poor brains so that you slosh around work and school feeling bad about your life. It gives you an excuse to be a negative Nancy and have people feel bad for you. Because it's Monday, and everyone else hates it. You've fallen into the lesson and have to hate it yourself.

"Why are you so glum, munchkin?"
"It's Monday."
"Awe, yeah I know. Hang in their pumpkin, the day's half over and it'll be Tuesday before you know it."
"Yeah, I'm trying. Thanks Sue."

No! Slap yourself for me. You're being ridiculous.

Guess what?
Mondays occur... EVERY... WEEK! And they don't just happen to you. They aren't out to get you. Everyone lives through Mondays right along with you. They're marked on every calendar you buy. What do you do? Dread them so much that you completely black the days out before you even bring your calendar home?

"My birthday's on a Monday this year... this is going to suck..."
Why? Because you can't get schwasty-pants that night? Because you have to work the next day? Or just because it's a Monday?

Why are you so upset?! Shouldn't you instead embrace the blessing of seeing another day's light? Shouldn't you be happy that you have the capability of working in general? Shouldn't you just be happy to be alive? Maybe you should actually try to enjoy your weekends more instead of just sitting on the couch all day in sweatpants eating potato chips and watching Breaking Bad marathons on Netflix. It sounds like fun at the time I bet, right? But in all reality, you've wasted a couple of precious days to have fun, work on a hobby, or get all of your errands done for the week. Because when Sunday night rolls around, you realize, "Oh no, I've wasted another weekend." And then you slum around all day Monday wishing for your weekend back and praying that the week goes by quickly in wait for Friday afternoon.

Shouldn't you learn by now? We're intelligent creatures, right? Stop letting a single word get you down. There's no avoiding Mondays. They are Just. Days! Get over it. Get over yourself. Turn the lights on at the pity party and be happy for once.

Break away from the endless cycle of glum. Listen to some Bananarama and play some fun music if that's what helps.

This is life.
<3 Tawny

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