The next day, we went to a different town to visit a couple of pistachio farms/wineries. I bought my very first bottle of wine ever! I felt like such an adult! But, let me tell you. Where I bought my wine, I was I.D.d. Okay. Great. The second place, I got carded just to taste the wine, and they wouldn't take it. Why? Because I have a Vertical WI I.D. New Mexico law. Let me tell you. They lost my business. I was angry. Not because I couldn't taste, I don't like wine that much, but because I got away with it at the first place.
After we all finished there, we went to visit the White Sands. I had been very apprehensive about going there, because, well, I hate sand. And sledding - which is what we did there. At first, I was uncomfortable, and was ready to be done and leave faster than the time it took to step out of the van. But I sucked it up, I stepped out of my comfort zone, and embraced the beauty that was White Sand. It was wonderful. Then we had dinner and it was great.
I was so exhausted that night, I just wanted to go to bed. But I took a shower, and it was so horrifying that it woke me right back up. The pressure was so high, I felt like I was being assaulted by the water. So, I painted a co-worker's nails and then joined the staff members in the lounge where they were playing hotseat. Once again, I learned so much more about people and their lives that I stayed awake hours past my normal bedtime just to do so. It was so wonderful. I felt even more connected to my staff.
Day Three
Day Three
On the last day, I led with an activity called, "Touch Someone Who..." (Real name.) I learned this activity from my supervisor my first year as an RA and it stuck with me ever since. It is a silent affirmation activity where everyone faces outwards in a circle with their eyes closed. A few people at a time are selected to touch someone's back who fulfills the requirement I state. It's a lovely exercise and I'm happy I was able to share it with my peers.
For our closing activity, we learned about authentic leadership and six individuals shared deep parts of themselves and even more emotions poured out. I felt heavy again and just wanted to hug everyone. And cry. But I fought it. I fought it so hard. I was wearing make-up dang it. No raccoon-face for this girl.
Then we each took the time to share one thing we learned, felt, and will take action in after returning to campus. Once again... Emotions Galore! Every time I calmed myself down, someone shared a beautiful thought, or cried themselves, or I just started thinking about all of the things I heard about over my time with them.
It was almost too much.
But I wouldn't trade the experiences I learned over those past few days for the world.
And for this, I am grateful.
Thank you.
<3 Tawny
But I wouldn't trade the experiences I learned over those past few days for the world.
And for this, I am grateful.
Thank you.
<3 Tawny